Summer Safety for Those with Chronic Conditions

Ahhh. Summer has arrived. Most of us revel in these warm days filled with sunshine. But for those with chronic health conditions this time of year can cause serious health issues.
According to Sheila Lill MSN, APN, ACHPN, director of palliative care for Angelic Health, for those with certain heart, kidney, autoimmune or other conditions these hazy, lazy days of summer can cause unwanted symptoms or even exacerbate their chronic condition.
Heat Risks
“Certain chronic conditions make individuals more intolerant of heat” explained Lill, “This makes individuals with these conditions more susceptible to heat-related illnesses.” On top of this, certain medications such as water pills, certain heart medications, some antidepressants, and more increase the risk of dehydration. For those with chronic kidney disease the heat can lead to dehydration, worsening kidney function. Talk to your provider about your risk, stay well-hydrated, and avoid high temperatures when possible.
Food Risks
Fruits and vegetables are generally a great choice for good nutrition. But there are some that interfere with certain medications. For example, if you are on blood thinners, you will want to be aware that the beloved seasonal favorite—strawberries—can cause blood thinning. Grapefruit or grapefruit juice can cause some cholesterol, blood pressure, and other heart medications to stay in your body too long and at levels that are too high.
Hot dogs, cheese, pickles, and cured meats are all high sodium foods. They may be delicious, but for those with heart failure and hypertension it can wreak havoc with your blood pressure and exacerbate CHF. “They [hot dogs] are not your best choice for summertime eating,” said Lill, “stick with grilled chicken, shrimp, or vegetables instead to avoid problem and possible trip to the ER.”
Fruits and vegetables are generally a great choice for good nutrition. But there are some that interfere with certain medications. For example, if you are on blood thinners, you will want to be aware that the beloved seasonal favorite—strawberries—can cause blood thinning. Grapefruit or grapefruit juice can cause some cholesterol, blood pressure, and other heart medications to stay in your body too long and at levels that are too high.
Not everyone may get a reaction, but there is risk that even if you didn't get a reaction the first time, you may the next. Those at risk should not stop going outside. Proper precautions including avoiding the sun during peak hours of the day, making use of the shade, wearing protective clothing, and using sunscreen properly, will allow them to enjoy the beautiful summer day without a painful reaction the next day.
Whether you have a chronic condition or not, be knowledgeable about the risks associated with the medications you take, including supplements, and you’ll have a much nicer summer.