Touching Lives Magazine

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Inside this issue

Volunteers are the Heart of Hospice Care

Caring for the terminally ill by community volunteers is at the root of hospice history. In those early days of...(read more)

Loving Yourself, Loving Others

Kay Marshall Strom knows firsthand that you can't take care of a loved one well...(read more)

Making Memories Last Forever

When someone you love is facing a serious illness, you might think your best memories are behind you...(read more)

The 3 Phases of Spiritual Growth

The young man whose mom had tragically died that day quietly nodded. As a chaplain, I wrapped my arms around him...(read more)

Create Your Own Story

My parents lived good lives and expected to die good deaths. They exercised daily, ate plenty of fruits and vegetables, and kept, in their well-organized files...(read more)

Inside this issue

Message from Dan Mikus, Angelic Health CEO

At Angelic Health we provide palliative, hospice, transitional care, and wound management to support patients and their loved ones anywhere they call home and wherever they are with their condition...(read more)

Caregiver Testimonial

Angelic Hospice has been a blessing to me in the care and attention my 101-year-old Dad receives daily. They also have wonderful, responsive social workers, nurses, and volunteers who help coordinate some ‘me time’ occasionally...(read more)

5 Signs That Dementia patients May Benefit From Hospice Care

Some 5.5 million Americans have some form of dementia, and that number is growing, so it is likely you know someone living with this degenerative disease...(read more)

Finding the Help You Need

It's hard to imagine a time when hospice wasn’t an option for every family who wanted a loved one to die with comfort and dignity...(read more)

Go Ahead - Give Yourself a Break

Laura Patyk hated to leave her mother’s bedside when she had end-stage congestive heart failure, just as two years earlier, she’d hesitated to leave her father-in-law, who had kidney cancer...(read more)

5 Ways to Support Loved Ones

The hospice chaplain and author of On Living reveals what she’s learned about supporting loved ones as they prepare to embark on their last journey...(read more)

Why Spiritual Beliefs Matter

According to research, people who have a faith in God believe that nothing is random, that all things have a purpose, and that no situation exists that God cannot use for good...(read more)

Letting Go of Life's Regrets

As a palliative care nurse/counselor caring for terminally ill patients, Bronnie Ware asked her patients if they had any regrets they wanted to share about their lives and anything they would do differently if given the chance...(read more)

Volunteers are the heart of hospice

Caring for the terminally ill by community volunteers is at the root of hospice history. In those early days of hospice, the sick and dying received care during their final days from compassionate...(read more)

Angelic Health Innovations - Improve Care and Communications

The house call of the past has taken on a new twist with how healthcare is provided today. Telemedicine is giving people with chronic conditions a way to manage their illness without leaving their home...(read more)

Inside this issue

Making Peace With Our Biggest Fear

Our fear of death begins when we’re kids. Perhaps we had to face the mystifying idea of impermanence when a beloved pet, parent or grandparent died...(read more)

7 Ways to Celebrate Life

Peering into the past and examining the events that gave life meaning can be a surprisingly uplifting experience...(read more)

The Best Plan For You

Making plans is our way of moving forward and making decisions that feel right...(read more)

Spiritual Comfort

According to a survey by the Pew Research Group, 89% of Americans say that they believe in God...(read more)

Learn to Listen

Richard Phillips and his sister Paula greeted me as I stepped off the elevator on the second floor of the hospital where...(read more)

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We provide clinical, social, spiritual, emotional and physical care to those experiencing a life-altering or terminal diagnosis. Patients are cared for wherever they call home - private residence, nursing care facility, assisted living, or other facility.

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